WordPress Another Update Is Currently In Progress or WordPress Update Failed

  • Update On March 28th, 2019
  • in WordPress
WordPress Another Update Is Currently In Progress 800x300 - WordPress Another Update Is Currently In Progress or WordPress Update Failed

This post was last updated on March 28th, 2019 at 04:27 am

Though there is no update in progress, you might unable to update your WordPress site to the newest version of WordPress because you got a message like "Another update is currently in progress". Reload the page, re-try the update process but still experiencing this same message. If this is the situation then this message is incorrect.

It is an automatic lock state to prevent WordPress from simultaneous core updates. Usually, this message will disappear after 15 minutes but if the update is not completed successfully the message won't disappear. So if you want to get rid of that message and upgrade your WordPress site without waiting that long,  then follow the steps below.

Let's get rid of another update is currently in progress

Delete the record from options table – wp_options.

Since WordPress 4.5:

option_name = 'core_updater.lock'

Before WordPress 4.5:

option_name = 'core_updater'

another update is currently in progress - WordPress Another Update Is Currently In Progress or WordPress Update Failed

If you don't have access to PHPMyAdmin, try the WordPress plugin below. Download, Install and activate the plugin. Next Navigate to Settings → Fix Another Update In Progress
About This Author

My name is Parameshwar Roy (P. Roy), and I am a web developer. This is my personal blog to record my own thoughts. Though I am not a natural writer, I love to share my experiences. Hope my experiences will be useful to you...read more about me


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  • Thank you very much. Your solution helped.
    I hope I have seen this earlier.
    More power to you!

    Michael Janapin 7 years ago Reply

    • Parameshwar Roy Proy 150x150 - WordPress Another Update Is Currently In Progress or WordPress Update Failed

      HI Michael, Thanks for the comment! Really glad it helped you. 🙂

      P. Roy 7 years ago Reply

  • This option does not exist in the database, yet this is still happening.

    Solomon 7 years ago Reply

  • This can also happen if the database table needs to be repaired.

    Tim Blankenship 7 years ago Reply

  • I don’t have core_updater.lock in database. What’s now ?

    Rafał 7 years ago Reply

  • The plugin says:
    WordPress 4.8.3 is available! Please update now.
    Fix Another Update In Progress
    This is a quick fix to WordPress another update is already in progress.
    There is no issue. Continue with your WordPress Update

    However when I try to do that that I still get the message:
    Another update is currently in progress.

    What else might cause this issue?

    Martin 7 years ago Reply

  • If it helps anyone, you might want to make sure that AUTO INCREMENT is set on the appropriate WP DB tables. Setting AI fixed this problem for me – I was stuck in same conundrum as Martin (previous commenter).

    Caroline P 6 years ago Reply

    • Caroline P nailed it. Set AI.

      Gregory Lewis 6 years ago Reply

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