Must-have( or Best) Free WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

  • Update On January 26th, 2017
  • in WordPress
WordPress SEO Plugins

This post was last updated on January 26th, 2017 at 09:16 am

Getting a website up and running is not everything to successful in the internet world. One of the biggest challenges for businesses is getting a good placement in a search engine. In fact, search engines help businesses to reach maximum people or your target audience who are most likely to become customers. This is where SEO or Search Engine Optimization, comes in. SEO is a process designed to increase the visibility of your WordPress website and bring traffic to your website.

WordPress, straight out of the box, does great at producing indexable pages for Search Engines, but still, cannot guarantee a high ranking in search engines, for which WordPress requires many improvements. To make it simpler, we use different plugins, which will help WordPress sites with the most important and critical aspects of SEO. Here are some WordPress SEO plugins.

Let's Find Some Free WordPress Plugins for SEO

#1: Best SEO Plugin – Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO - Must-have( or Best) Free WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

To rank your website higher in the search engine results, your website needs to be fully optimized. Yoast SEO is a free SEO plugin for WordPress site which enables you to improve your website SEO, making you able to write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site. From meta titles to the whole content, Yoast SEO provide step-by-step instructions, including real-time feedback as you type into each field with colors and instructions

#2: WordPress Best Sitemap Plugins – Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps - Must-have( or Best) Free WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

Sitemap (an XML file) is a list of web-page URLs on a website that is accessible to all users. An sitemap is a way to tell search engines about all the pages that exist on a website. The XML file include some additional information about each URL: last updated, how often it changes, and important of the URL in relation to other URLs in the site. This allows search engines to learn about that page, so that it can indexed the page more efficiently. This improves the visibility of the website to search engines.

#3: Best Caching Plugin – W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache — WordPress Plugins - Must-have( or Best) Free WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

Speed is an important factor in SEO performance and user satisfaction. Caching is crucial for larger websites which significantly improve the performance and speed of your site.

W3 Total Cache is probably the most advanced, free and recommended caching plugin available for WordPress. it’s always in the top 5 caching plugins. It is designed to make sure your WordPress website loads fast, optimize server performance at high traffic periods. With the advanced options like Database Caching and automated use of Content Delivery Network, it's the complete caching solution

#4: WordPress Best Speed Optimizer Plugin – Autoptimize

wordpress autoptimize - Must-have( or Best) Free WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

By default, WordPress does not have a system for website speed optimization. So you need a plugin that automatically performs optimizations to your site to increase speed and reduce server load and bandwidth.

With Autoptimize optimizing your site really easy. This plugin reduces HTTP requests by concatenating all scripts and styles files into groups of files, minifies and compresses them, set expires headers, also cache those. Minification is done in real time and done on the frontend. It can move styles to the page head and scripts to the footer. Autoptimize also minifies the HTML itself, making your page really lightweight.

#5: Image Optimizer Plugins – EWWW Image Optimizer

ewww image optimizer - Must-have( or Best) Free WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

Image compression or optimization by up to 90% can dramatically improve your website's loading time, better SEO ranking, increase visitors and ultimately better user experience.

This WordPress plugin automatically optimizes images as you upload them. It has the capabilities to optimize the images that you have already uploaded, convert images automatically to the file format that will produce the smallest image size, and optionally apply lossy compression to achieve huge savings for PNG and JPG images.

#6: ALT and TITLE Optimizer Plugins – PB SEO Friendly Images

PB SEO Friendly Images - Must-have( or Best) Free WordPress SEO Plugins in 2017

We all know that image attributes plays an important role to for site ranking in search engines. This is a free WordPress plugin which automatically optimize all ALT and TITLE attributes of images in all your posts.

About This Author

My name is Parameshwar Roy (P. Roy), and I am a web developer. This is my personal blog to record my own thoughts. Though I am not a natural writer, I love to share my experiences. Hope my experiences will be useful to more about me

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  • Do you think Yoast is better than All in one seo? Is it worth buying a premium version? Good post. Regards

    Mateusz Gwóźdź 7 years ago Reply

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